Detective Thriller--
Potentual plots-
Detective solving a series of mathematical murders by genious killer?*
Killer that can't be found, has no fingerprints and no trace of DNA.
Killer who's next victim is the detective.
Killer who is a relation to the detective.
Killer who cannot die?
Potentual shots/locations.
Lots of shots of closeups of the killer's hands/equations.
darkened/dirty rooms candlelit? killer's identitiy is hidden by darkness.
Voice masker? longshots of the killer sitting in a darkened room at a
props: Voice masker, pictures of previous victims maths equations on sheets, fake blood for hands, suits for the detective, Notepad + pen, calling cards left on the victims bodies?
sound: slow, creepy music. potentually music put on by the killer, (CD player or tapes) maybe classical?
potential names--
U(pi)lucky (pi)umbers?
killer maths?
blood relation?
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